A Review of Key Concepts Essential to the ACP Specialist Role
ACP is central to resident-centered care

We are launching the ACP Specialist Program as a new company initiative because we believe ACP is essential to providing resident-centered care
The primary goal of the ACP Specialist is to give every resident the opportunity to engage in ACP.
ACP Specialists should be familiar with legal requirements and ethical principles, such as autonomy
Why ACP is Important
ACP planning has been shown to provide benefits to residents, families, and the care team
- Supports decision-making in advance of a crisis.
- Provides information to team about resident preferences that guide treatment decisions.
- Reduces family caregiver stress and anxiety.
- Increases both family and patient satisfaction with care.

It is important to recognize and respect differences in personal values when engaging in ACP.
ACP Specialists should be familiar with legal requirements and ethical principles, such as autonomy
The ACP Specialist Role
In Module 1 you learned that the ACP Specialist is:
The ACP Specialist has dedicated time for ACP.
The ACP Specialist will be a resource for nursing facility staff about ACP.
for facilitating ACP conversations